Do pumpkin seeds help with worms?

pumpkin seeds for worms

Helminthiasis caused by the presence of worms in the human body. If they are not destroyed, they can multiply, leading to severe disorders of all organs and systems.

Pumpkin seeds from worms - a natural herbal remedy used to treat helminth infestations.

Pumpkin seeds can be consumed by both adults and children without worrying about the side effects that anthelmintic drugs give.

Today we will talk about how to take and prepare anthelmintic remedies according to the recipes of traditional medicine based on pumpkin seeds.

How can you get infected?

Causes of intestinal worms:

  • contaminated water and food;
  • consumption of raw or undercooked meat;
  • poor personal hygiene, dirty hands;
  • unsanitary living conditions;
  • direct contact with a person or animal that has worms.

Some intestinal parasites can live in the intestinal tract for a long time without causing any symptoms. However, the common symptoms of the presence of worms are: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, dysentery, changes in stool consistency, anal itching.

How to use this folk remedy?

Pumpkin seeds can be consumed in various forms:

  • raw immediately after being removed from the pumpkin;
  • dried;
  • fried;
  • baked in the oven;
  • in the form of decoctions, tea.

The choice is yours.

How to take pumpkin seeds for worms

Pumpkin seeds contain a substance called cucurbit, which is a devastating blow to intestinal parasites. Therefore, pumpkin seeds affect many helminth infestations. Therefore, with the help of this tasty remedy, you can fight with such varieties of worms:

  • tapeworms;
  • lamblia;
  • ring;
  • tape.

The cucurbit concentration reaches its maximum level not in the "nucleolus" itself, but in a thin film that separates the pumpkin seed core from its shell. This is why all doctors recommend using raw pumpkin seeds.

We will now go into various recipes in more detail to understand how to take pumpkin seeds so that the worm treatment is effective.

pumpkin seeds for worms

pumpkin seeds and castor oil

It is necessary to separate 100 pieces of seeds (but not 100 g! ) In an unpeeled form, divide them equally into four parts. During the day, you need to eat a portion at regular intervals, chewing the seeds until soft.

One hour after each intake of pumpkin seeds, drink the prescribed dose (1 teaspoon) of castor oil. This ritual is performed after the usual meal four times. The dosage indicated in the recipe is designed for an adult, for children the dose is reduced several times. The doctor will do the proportion correctly. Usually the course of such treatment lasts 2-3 days.

Dill seed tea

Along with pumpkin seeds, dill helps get rid of many types of parasites.

To make the broth strong, you need to mix ripe pumpkin seeds and dried dill in equal proportions. Next, pour boiling water over the resulting mixture, insisting for 5 minutes. After a while, drain the broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into a jar. Thus, the tea will become clean, without twigs and pomace.

Take a decoction inside, diluting with boiling water. You can not use such a popular recipe for people with chronic intestinal diseases, as well as with hypersensitivity to dill.

Pumpkin seeds with honey for worms

For an adult, you will need 300 g of peeled pumpkin seeds. 150 g is enough for a teenager, and no more than 50 g of pumpkin seeds for a child under the age of 5. Pumpkin seeds must be crushed with a coffee grinder or blender, after which they are diluted with cold boiled water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. 1 tsp is added to the resulting mass to taste. or 1 tbsp. L. honey.

Pumpkin seeds with worm honey should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, slowly so that the whole process goes on for 1 hour. After 3 hours, you need to drink a saline-based laxative and put a cleansing enema, which allows you to expel parasites from the body.

gozinaki from pumpkin seeds from worms

pumpkin seeds with garlic

It is necessary to lightly fry 200 g of pumpkin seeds in their skins in a pan without oil, cool them and grind them in a coffee grinder. Add 5-6 cloves of peeled and minced garlic, stir in two tablespoons of liquid natural honey.

Insist for 12 hours and take one teaspoon for children and one tablespoon for adults daily on an empty stomach. You can only have breakfast three hours later. Already after 3-4 days it will be possible to go for repeated tests for worms to make sure they are absent.

Remedy for tapeworms

An army man "picked up" a tapeworm. The regimental doctor conducted a course of treatment with fern seeds in the cornea. The tapeworm came out, but the head remained. I grew up again.

Then the man's mother said that during her childhood the worms were chased away with pumpkin seeds and she offered to try this folk remedy for worms. We bought 2 glasses of raw pumpkin seeds, and instead of breakfast, the patient started nibbling them, he didn't drink water. I ate both glasses in the morning.

After 3-4 hours, the tapeworm died and never came back. If necessary, he also recommended this remedy to his friends and they all managed to get rid of the worms.


If these folk remedies are ineffective, consult a specialist. He remembers that worms can cause severe damage to your body if they are not chased away in time. Choose safe pesticide products and be healthy!